Art Direction/Deck Design - Pro Football Hall of Fame Hotel


Graphic Desinger/Art Director


Creative Resource Associates/Pro Football Hall Of Fame


Wide format presentation presented to The Pro Football Hall of Fame for new hotel interior design.

My client, Creative Resource Associates, an interior design firm working on a hotel interior for the Pro Football Hall of Fame needed to take their interior design presentations to another level. I met with the Principal one weekend, he described the emotional impact he wanted to convey through his firm’s work and in an upcoming critical presentation.

He told me of representing the history of American Football and it’s beginnings to current technological advancements in the sports. He wrote out simple inspired narrative, I found rare photography in actual out of print football books in the L.A. Central Library, images you can’t find on the internet, that represented and TOLD THE STORY he wanted to convey.

I designed the presentation deck in a week, he loved it. He took it to Canton, Ohio to present to his Pro Football Hall of Fame clients. He got a standing ovation. Touchdown.

The Pro Football Logo I developed came to me somewhere midway this two-week project when I realized that the key identifying “iconographic’ identity of the Pro Football Hall of Fame was not a football, but a GOLD JACKET given to each of the inductees! So I used that gold sports coat to develop a NEW logo for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. I certainly provide more than I’m compensated for, because… I love what I do and great ideas must be explored and given to great clients!

The actual presentation deck minus the actual interior design concepts, only my graphic design and art direction slides are shown due to confidentiality of the project.

Note the second to last team football play huddle slide above, in each of the bubbles are the ‘team members’ involved in the development of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. I came up with that idea to end the story with imagery from the beginning of the football player huddle and to represent the team moving forward to win the game!